Beinghunted - Nike x Stüssy x Neighborhood - Boneyards
Beinghunted - Nike x Stüssy x Neighborhood - Boneyards
Shinsuke Takizawa + Paul Mittleman + Fraser Cooke


Fraser: I had no idea. The only thing that I remember from my school careers advisor was that I said I wanted to travel and not work in the same place every day, have a varied job, maybe live abroad, America at that time. They just told me to join an insurance company or bank, which was no use at all. Thanks for the help! So as I said already, I just kind of went with things that I enjoyed for the most part and I guess I have achieved what I said I wanted, to that careers officer all those years ago. I did actually work in a stock brokers when I left school as that was what I thought I was supposed to do, but then I quit as I wasn't into it too much and became a hairstylist and that was the beginning of opening my mind to a really creative world and diverse people. I think I was already open and a bit unusual to many kids around me in the suburbs, but just needed that environment to push it and step into another world of possibility. I do now believe that you can do most things you want if you stick with it and believe in what you are doing. You need some luck, too, for sure.

Jörg: What do you like doing when you are not working and do you manage to completely shut off 'work mode'?

Takizawa: I completely stay away from work if I don't have to. Aside from work, I dedicate almost all my time for my family.

Paul: I never really shut off. But I can fade in and out. I like looking around and being inspired. So much stuff in the world to check out. It's a great time. Many places to go to
and people to meet. I like being at home with my family. But we have some places we like to go. Something, someone or somewhere new always pops up.

Fraser: Work and "play" definitely blend a lot of the time so it's hard to draw the line at times, but spending time with close friends who take your mind somewhere else or recently I have found that going to secluded holiday places intended to shut of work are good releases and the good ones do achieve that which is healthy. Although I'm doing this interview while on vacation which should be non work interrupted so I guess I never truly turn off 100%. Definitely still enjoy DJing, hunting for music, reading a good book, movies, good food and nice glass of wine with friends. The usual I guess in many ways. Getting out of your regular comfort zone and checking new things is a current interest.

Jörg: You have been in the game for some time now. In what ways are you enthusiastic about sneakers? What 'gets you going'?

Takizawa: I don't mean to be negative here, but I don't have such strong passion for sneakers like others do. I hope I can explain it well but I perceive very careful of how sneakers currently exist in this street scene. However, because how I view them conservatively, I maybe able to design sneakers from different perspective, I am more enthusiastic for this part.

Fraser: These days it's still similar to what has always been inspiring. Great aesthetics and innovative design.